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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Snakes, Synod, and sand!

I have been  somewhat remiss in this blogging effort, some might say downright lazy, I'd prefer to say that my priorities have been elsewhere and blogging had also become a chore.

So snakes, what is that all about?

Well some 6 months or so back the children ran to me door making hissing noises, and trying to get me to come outside.

I followed them to just outside the compound where there was a large crowd and a surprisingly large snake!

I'd estimate it was about 4 or 5 inches thick and around 10-12 foot long! At a guess it was some kind of python, one of the boys on the compound at seen it at the garden (vegetable patch), caught it and brought it home, planning to kill it in the compound, however Fanding (step-dad) told him no, so he whacked it a few times with his machete (no self respecting teenager should be without one when gardening), and chopped off it's head!

I was kinda expecting the chopping to continue and people to cook and eat it, but apparently they don't eat snakes in Kerewan... I was a little disappointed.

Synod? What is the story there, well I was asked by the priest for the church I occasionally frequent to come to the Gambian Synod as a parish representative. He had no educated parishioners, nor any whose English was up to the task.

I had high hopes for the Synod, however it turned out to be somewhat of a disappointment, still I did make committee chairman on my first day, I think I impressed the Bishop with my answer to a question.

Less said about the Synod itself the better however, as my comments would not be entirely positive! :o

Still we did get Guinness with lunch so it wasn't all bad! :)

Sand? It is everywhere, gets into everything, and means you need to sweep out your house two or three times a day!

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